Yahoo Mail trouble hits fourth day

An outage at Yahoo Mail hit its fourth day on Thursday, prompting thousands of furious users to ratchet up their criticism on social media.

How can we protect young people from cyberbullying?

The recent arrest by Canadian police of two young people who allegedly shared a photo of a young woman being sexually assaulted has once again highlighted the danger that social media can pose for teenagers.

Making sense of patterns in the Twitterverse

If you think keeping up with what's happening via Twitter, Facebook and other social media is like drinking from a fire hose, multiply that by 7 billion – and you'll have a sense of what Court Corley wakes up to every morning.

Yahoo! adds tweets to online news pages

Yahoo! on Thursday began spicing up its online news pages with real-time comments fired off at the globally popular messaging service Twitter.

Nielsen taps Twitter for TV show buzz

Nielsen on Monday announced a deal to tap into Twitter to gauge how much online buzz is being generated by television shows instead of simply focusing on numbers of viewers for programs.

Indian PM warns of dangers of social media

Indian Premier Manmohan Singh warned Saturday over the use of social media to inflame ethnic tensions after online threats and text messages sparked a mass exodus of migrants from southern cities.

Twitter co-founders create online publishing site

A website launched by Twitter co-founders as a publishing platform for stories, memories and news was open Wednesday to members of the hit one-to-many text messaging service.

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