COVID rekindled an appreciation of nature for many

The pandemic has impacted our lives in a multitude of ways, many of which will no doubt be felt for years to come. While many of those effects are clearly negative, UConn researchers have identified at least one positive ...

'Citizen scientists' help track foxes, coyotes in urban areas

As foxes and coyotes adapt to urban landscapes, the potential for encounters with humans necessarily goes up. A team of scientists is taking advantage of this fact to enlist the eyeballs and fingertips of humans—getting ...

Secret weapon for space travelers—a steady diet of TV?

No one knows for sure what a long-range space journey will be like for the people on board. Nobody in the history of our species has ever had to deal with the "Earth-out-of-view" phenomenon, for instance. How will it feel ...

Court restores ban on newspaper, TV ownership

(AP) -- A federal appeals court has restored a longstanding ban that prevents media companies from owning both a newspaper and a television station in the same market.

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