Helping developers create smarter online music-streaming services

If you ever use Spotify, or a similar music-streaming service, there's a good chance your song recommendations, and other personalized features, are powered by novel technology developed and marketed by two MIT alumni entrepreneurs.

Bringing 'common sense' to text analytics

Bringing "common sense" to artificial intelligence is one of the biggest challenges in computer science: It entails equipping computers with the shared knowledge that humans use to infer meaning, make connections and communicate, ...

Measuring the economy with location data

Carrying your smartphone around everywhere has become a way of life. In doing so, you produce a surprising amount of data about your role in the economy—where you shop, work, travel, and generally hang out.

Wear your social network

What if your likes and interests on social media were broadcast to the world offline? Would that make it easier for you to make real-world connections with people? That's the idea behind Social Textiles, a wearable social ...

Power (of electronics) to the people

MIT Media Lab alumna and entrepreneur Ayah Bdeir SM '06 wants to help all people worldwide, tech savvy or not, understand and build creatively with electronics.

Twitter-funded lab to seek social media insights

A new Twitter-funded research project unveiled Wednesday, with access to every tweet ever sent, will look for patterns and insights from the billions of messages sent on social media.

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