Fighting 'fake news' with the law

Some countries are bringing in legislation to fight "fake news", a particular menace during election campaigning, but critics warn of the danger to freedom of expression and the media.

Why was MacronLeaks' influence limited in the French election?

A few days before the presidential election in France this year, documents purported to contain unverified information that was damaging to Emmanuel Macron's campaign were leaked online, just before a nationwide moratorium ...

Implications of humor in social media job adverts

Can humour on social media help managers find the most appropriate candidates for the job vacancies they hope to fill? Writing in the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, researchers from Finland, ...

Using algorithms to make a campaign go viral

Marketers want to create buzz, but it's not always so easy. For a marketing message to spread like wildfire, not only does it have to reach the target audience, but it also has to be well-timed and well-placed. SThAR, an ...

Harnessing the power of social media during the GOP debate

Dr. Jenny Stromer-Galley, an expert in social media and political campaigns offers insight on how candidates used social media to their advantage during the GOP debate on September 16. She said that Carly Fiorina, one of ...

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