A step closer to reusable rockets

Danylo Malyuta and four other mechanical engineering students have developed an unusual miniature rocket equipped with an onboard system for modifying its attitude mid-flight. This represents a small step towards rockets ...

Students work to ease the pain of needle injections

If the Rice University freshman engineering design team Comfortably Numb has it their way, children will be less fearful and feel less pain when they go to the doctor's office for a shot.

How to grip an asteroid

For someone like Edward Fouad, a junior at Caltech who has always been interested in robotics and mechanical engineering, it was an ideal project: help develop robotic technology that could one day fly on a NASA mission to ...

Entanglement made tangible

EPFL scientists have designed a first-ever experiment for demonstrating quantum entanglement in the macroscopic realm. Unlike other such proposals, the experiment is relatively easy to set up and run with existing semiconductor ...

Material simulation technology to boost EU aircraft industry

Accurately predicting the mechanical behaviour of composite aircraft structures on impact could reduce the need for physical tests, cut industry costs and ultimately save lives through better aircraft design. This is the ...

Researcher takes a muscular approach to robotics

During his childhood in Korea, Yong-Lae Park developed a love for robotics, using the nuts, bolts and metal bars from science kits to build mechanical versions of his favorite cartoon characters.

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