Is the jet stream changing?

Heavy precipitation, wind storms, heat waves—when severe weather events such as these occur they are frequently attributed to a wavy jet stream. The jet stream is a powerful air current in the upper troposphere that balances ...

How climate change is affecting the seasons

Autumn has finally arrived in the UK following an unusually sunny September. The days are growing shorter, the temperature cooler, and the leaves are changing color.

A good night's sleep in orbit

During his Huginn mission, ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen will run two experiments focusing on sleeping in space: Circadian Light and Sleep in Orbit.

Beijing roasts in record mid-June temperatures

Temperatures in Beijing hit a record for mid-June of 39.4 degrees Celsius (103 Fahrenheit) on Friday, China's meteorological authority said, warning the public to stay indoors.

Japan reports warmest spring on record

Japan experienced its warmest spring on record this year, the national weather agency said Thursday, as greenhouse gasses and El Nino send temperatures soaring worldwide.

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