Heat waves aren't going away. Here's how we can prepare

Across the country, thermostats are rising into previously unimagined realms. It's been a summer of record-setting heat across Europe and the United States, including California. Climatologists don't expect them to be record ...

Examining the sensations experienced when reading poetry

In addition to searching for the meaning of poems, they can also often be described through the emotions that the reader feels while reading them. Kristiine Kikas, a doctoral student at the School of Humanities of Tallinn ...

How plants respond to heat stress

Plants, like other organisms, can be severely affected by heat stress. To increase their chances of survival, they activate the heat shock response, a molecular pathway also employed by human and animal cells for stress protection. ...

Concurrent heatwaves seven times more frequent than 1980s

Multiple large heatwaves the size of Mongolia occurred at the same time nearly every day during the warm seasons of the 2010s across the Northern Hemisphere, according to a study led by Washington State University researchers.

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