Crisis-hit Venezuela sets clocks ahead to save power

With their country gripped by an economic crisis, Venezuelans lost half an hour of sleep Sunday as their clocks were set forward to save power on President Nicolas Maduro's order.

ESA image: London nightlife

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this image of London, UK, from the International Space Station 400 km above Earth. At the time it was midnight in the capital city and, because the Space Station runs on Greenwich Mean Time, it ...

Languages less arbitrary than long assumed

It is a cornerstone of theoretical linguistics: the principle of arbitrariness, according to which the form of a word doesn't tell you anything about its meaning. Yet evidence is accumulating that natural languages do in ...

Titan helps unpuzzle decades-old plutonium perplexities

First produced in 1940, plutonium is one of the most electronically complicated elements on Earth—and because of its complexities, scientists have been struggling to prove the existence of its magnetic properties ever since.

Why we need to keep adding leap seconds

Today at precisely 10am Australian Eastern Standard time, something chronologically peculiar will take place: there'll be an extra second between 09:59:59 and 10:00:00.

Key element of human language discovered in bird babble

Stringing together meaningless sounds to create meaningful signals was previously thought to be the preserve of humans alone, but a new study has revealed that babbler birds are also able to communicate in this way.

Russia turns back clocks to permanent Winter Time

Russia on Sunday is set to turn back its clocks to winter time permanently in a move backed by President Vladimir Putin, reversing a three-year experiment with non-stop summer time that proved highly unpopular.

How arbitrary is language?

Words in the English language are structured to help children learn according to research led by Lancaster University.

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