MAVEN on track to carry out its science mission

The MAVEN spacecraft and all of its science instruments have completed their initial checkout, and all of them are working as expected. This means that MAVEN is on track to carry out its full science mission as originally ...

NASA launches robotic explorer to Mars

NASA's newest robotic explorer, Maven, rocketed toward Mars on Monday on a quest to unravel the ancient mystery of the red planet's radical climate change.

What happened to Mars? A planetary mystery

Billions of years ago when the planets of our solar system were still young, Mars was a very different world. Liquid water flowed in long rivers that emptied into lakes and shallow seas. A thick atmosphere blanketed the ...

NASA to probe why Mars lost its atmosphere

NASA said Monday it is on track to launch its Maven probe to Mars next month to find out why the Red Planet lost much of its atmosphere.

Government shutdown stops MAVEN work; Threatens NASA Mars launch

The upcoming Nov. 18 blastoff of NASA's next mission to Mars – the "breathtaking beautiful" MAVEN orbiter – is threatened by today's (Oct. 1) shutdown of the US Federal Government. And the team is very "concerned", although ...

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