Measuring dark matter halos around ancient quasars

At the center of every galaxy is a supermassive black hole. Beyond a certain size, these become active, emitting huge amounts of radiation, and are then called quasars. It is thought these are activated by the presence of ...

Astronomers peer into the dark

( -- Astronomers from the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) have produced a completely new catalogue of ~15,000 groups of galaxies that gives a new insight into dark matter, the material of unknown ...

Missing Milky Way dark matter

Although dark matter is inherently difficult to observe, an understanding of its properties (even if not its nature) allows astronomers to predict where its effects should be felt. The current understanding is that dark matter ...

Why are dark matter halos of ultra-diffuse galaxies so odd?

A study co-led by physicists at UC Riverside and UC Irvine has found that dark matter halos of ultra-diffuse galaxies are very odd, raising questions about physicists' understanding of galaxy formation and the structure of ...

Halos Gone MAD

One of the successes of the ΛCDM model of the universe is the ability for models to create structures of with scales and distributions similar to those we view in the universe today. Or, at least that’s what astronomers ...

A primordial dark matter galaxy found without stars

There's a galaxy out there without apparent stars but largely chock full of dark matter. What's that you say? A galaxy without stars? Isn't that an impossibility? Not necessarily, according to the astronomers who found it ...

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