Making progress toward the prevention of collagen-related diseases

A collaboration between groups from France and the UK, led by researchers from the Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines, have just determined the three-dimensional structure of a key region of the procollagen molecule, ...

Key component in tendon injury discovered

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found a mechanism in the leg that is crucial in preventing tendon injury in horses and human athletes.

An incisive design solution: The spider's venomous fang

( -- Although their armor consists of the same material as their predator’s fangs, flies, grasshoppers and other insects that are the usual prey of spiders have little to offer by way of defence against the ...

Neutrons used to study a key protein in milk

Martha, a cow placidly grazing in a field in The Netherlands, became an important collaborator with researchers who successfully analyzed and characterized the internal protein structure and the composite particles of her ...

Vaccines for HIV: A new design strategy

HIV has eluded vaccine-makers for thirty years, in part due to the virus' extreme ability to mutate. Physical scientists and clinical virologists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Ragon Institute ...

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