The solution to a 200-year-old encryption

( -- The mathematician who deciphered the final, encrypted page of a letter sent to President Thomas Jefferson in 1801 will visit the University of Oregon to tell how he did it.

Their infinite wisdom

( -- Hotel guests come and go. But in the first decade of the 1900s, a pair of frequent Russian visitors to the Hotel Parisiana, near the Sorbonne on Paris' Left Bank, stood out vividly. The children of the hotel's ...

Creativity in mathematics

"Mathematics links Art and Science in one great enterprise, the human attempt to make sense of the universe." So writes Abel Prizewinner and Fields Medalist Sir Michael F. Atiyah in the January 2010 Notices of the American ...

Mathematicians set world record in packing puzzle

( -- Finding the best way to pack the greatest quantity of a specifically shaped object into a confined space may sound simple, yet it consistently has led to deep mathematical concepts and practical applications, ...

'Tetris' still a videogame star at age 25

It was spring in what was then the Soviet Union when a mathematician in Moscow with a penchant for puzzles created a "Tetris" computer game still going strong 25 years later.

French-Russian mathematician Gromov wins Abel prize

French-Russian mathematician Mikhail Gromov on Thursday won one of the world's top mathematics award, Norway's Abel Prize, for "his revolutionary contributions to geometry," the prize committee said.

Energy simulation may explain turbulence mystery

( -- A new 3D model linking magnetic fields to the transfer of energy in space might help solve a physics mystery first observed in the solar wind 15 years ago.

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