Mercury removal made easy in toxic environments

Mercury pollution is a global problem in water, air and soil near goldmines, cement and some metal production, and other heavy industries burning fossil fuels—with removal too expensive or difficult in some of the poorest ...

Russia's Yakov Sinai wins Abel mathematics prize

Russian mathematician Yakov Sinai won the prestigious Abel mathematics prize for his work in dynamical systems and mathematical physics, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters said Wednesday.

Ants have different 'standards' when it comes to choosing a home

Ants use collective decision-making to select the best option when choosing a new home. Until now, the exact way in which they do this has puzzled researchers. A new study, led by the University of Bristol and published in ...

Scientists create 'MRI' of the Sun's interior plasma motions

A team of scientists has created an "MRI" of the Sun's interior plasma motions, shedding light on how it transfers heat from its deep interior to its surface. The result, which appears in the journal the Proceedings of the ...

Best Visual Illusion Of 2010 Defies Gravity

On May 10, Japanese scientist Kokichi Sugihara claimed to have discovered a technology that every sixth grader knows to be impossible: a magnet that attracts wood. In front of a crowd of hundreds, he played a video showing ...

Did nature have a hand in the formation of the Great Sphinx?

Historians and archaeologists have, over centuries, explored the mysteries behind the Great Sphinx of Giza: What did it originally look like? What was it designed to represent? What was its original name? But less attention ...

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