US topology and chaos theorist wins mathematics Abel Prize

The Abel Prize honouring achievements in mathematics was awarded Wednesday to American Dennis Parnell Sullivan for his contributions to topology, including work on chaos theory, the Norwegian Academy of Science said.

Rice physicists find reappearing quantum trios

Using atoms at temperatures colder than deep space, Rice University physicists have delivered overwhelming proof for a once-scoffed-at theory that's become a hotbed for research some 40 years after it first appeared. In a ...

Graphene-hBN breakthrough to spur new LEDs, quantum computing

In a discovery that could speed research into next-generation electronics and LED devices, a University of Michigan research team has developed the first reliable, scalable method for growing single layers of hexagonal boron ...

Financial instruments could be spiked with unfindable risks

( -- In a result that may have implications for financial regulation, researchers from computer science and economics have revealed potentially impenetrable problems with the pricing of financial derivatives. ...

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