Russia's Yakov Sinai wins Abel mathematics prize

Russian mathematician Yakov Sinai won the prestigious Abel mathematics prize for his work in dynamical systems and mathematical physics, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters said Wednesday.

Magic and symmetry in mathematics

We live in a three-dimensional world. Despite the many benefits this presents, it also makes for a complicated math problem, according to Northeastern associate professor of mathematics Ivan Loseu. The best a path to a solution, ...

Kenneth Wilson, Nobel winner for physics, dies

A physics professor who earned a Nobel prize for pioneering work that changed the way physicists think about phase transitions has died in Maine at age 77.

Basic science in evaporating droplets

What happens if you slowly evaporate a droplet containing dissolved particles? The question sounds simple, but it involves a surprising amount of basic physics and mathematics. Hanneke Gelderblom of the University of Twente ...

The new world of gamma-ray optics

Scientists discover that certain materials like silicon or gold exhibit a surprisingly large refractive index for extremely high energetic gamma-rays.

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