Quarks 'swing' to the tones of random numbers

At the Large Hadron Collider at CERN protons crash into each other at incredibly high energies in order to 'smash' the protons and to study the elementary particles of nature - including quarks. Quarks are found in each proton ...

Unraveling the Matrix

A new way of analyzing grids of numbers known as matrices could improve signal-processing applications and data-compression schemes.

The mathematics behind a good night's sleep

Why can't I fall asleep? Will this new medication keep me up all night? Can I sleep off this cold? Despite decades of research, answers to these basic questions about one of our most essential bodily functions remain exceptionally ...

Scientists hope to unlock mysteries of proteins

Proteins, the work-horse molecules necessary for virtually every human action from breathing to thinking, have proved an almost ghostly presence, daring scientists to fully grasp their structure and behavior. Now, physicists ...

'Fuzzy logic' reveals cells' inner workings

(PhysOrg.com) -- Living cells are bombarded with messages from the outside world -- hormones and other chemicals tell them to grow, migrate, die or do nothing. Inside the cell, complex signaling networks interpret these cues ...

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