How particles and fluids are spread in porous materials

SuMo Biomaterials is a VINN Excellence centre at Chalmers with 35 research groups, seven participating companies and the institute SP Food and Bioscience. The centre is funded equally by Vinnova, the industry and Chalmers. ...

'Perfect plastic' created

( -- Researchers at the University of Leeds and Durham University have solved a long-standing problem that could revolutionize the way new plastics are developed.

Shrinking blob speeds traveling salesman on his way

( —What is the shortest route that a traveling salesman must take to visit a number of specified cities in a tour, stopping at each city once and only once before returning to the starting point? The most accurate ...

A zero sum game

( -- New light has been shed on the 150-year-old math puzzle known as the Riemann hypothesis, say mathematical physicists at the University of Sydney.

Experimental mathematics: Computing power leads to insights

In his 1989 book "The Emperor's New Mind", Roger Penrose commented on the limitations on human knowledge with a striking example: He conjectured that we would most likely never know whether a string of 10 consecutive 7s appears ...

Genius of Einstein, Fourier key to new humanlike computer vision

( -- Two new techniques for computer-vision technology mimic how humans perceive three-dimensional shapes by instantly recognizing objects no matter how they are twisted or bent, an advance that could help machines ...

Financial instruments could be spiked with unfindable risks

( -- In a result that may have implications for financial regulation, researchers from computer science and economics have revealed potentially impenetrable problems with the pricing of financial derivatives. ...

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