Opals set to shine with new grading technology

CSIRO and a consortium of Australian Opal miners (Opal Producers Australia Limited) have unveiled the world's first automated device to grade opals using image analysis, at the 2009 National Council of Jewellery Valuers forum ...

We’ll Be Back After These Messages -- Will You?

(PhysOrg.com) -- For at least 50 years, television advertisements have been ordered randomly within commercial breaks. But given the spread of digital video recorders (DVR) that allow users to blip-blip past the ads in fast-forward, ...

Going for broke

(PhysOrg.com) -- Natasha Schull recalls how in the late 1990s she began observing people in Las Vegas transfixed for hours at video poker and slot machines. What, she wondered, kept them glued to machines until they lost ...

Asking a machine to spot threats human eyes miss

The surveillance cameras at Big Y, a Massachusetts grocery chain, are not just passively recording customers and staff. They're studying checkout lines for signs of "sweethearting."

New tool enables powerful data analysis

(PhysOrg.com) -- A powerful computing tool that allows scientists to extract features and patterns from enormously large and complex sets of raw data has been developed by scientists at University of California, Davis, and ...

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