Related topics: children

Shaping positive STEM identity for student success

Data show that students who have a strong science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) identity are more likely to take STEM courses and persist to the academic finish line––graduation. Positive STEM identity ...

How to improve math skills among American children

In the past two decades, researchers have made great strides in uncovering how children learn math, but little of that new knowledge has trickled down to teachers, according to a new book on math education.

Studying the Noble King Mackerel

They are sometimes called "smokers," due to the speed at which a fishing line zips out the reel and "smokes" after they hit on the bait.

Stereotypes lead to underperformance, says expert

( —African-Americans with the same grades, test scores and motivation as their white high school counterparts got lower grades in college compared with other groups. And women with the exact same level of preparation ...

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