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Astronomers find dozens of massive stars fleeing the Milky Way

The Milky Way can't hold onto all of its stars. Some of them get ejected into intergalactic space and spend their lives on an uncertain journey. A team of astronomers took a closer look at the most massive of these runaway ...

Tracking near-Earth cosmic explosions

When massive stars or other stellar objects explode in the Earth's cosmic neighborhood, ejected debris can also reach our solar system. Traces of such events are found on Earth or the moon and can be detected using accelerator ...

Deep learning speeds up galactic calculations

Supernovae, or exploding stars, play a critical role in the formation and evolution of galaxies. However, key aspects of these phenomena are notoriously difficult to simulate accurately in reasonably short amounts of time.

This dark nebula hides an enormous star

The birth of a star is a spectacular event that plays out behind a veil of gas and dust. It's a detailed process that takes millions of years to play out. Once a star leaves its protostar stage behind and begins its life ...

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