Planet-forming disks evolve in surprisingly similar ways

A group of astronomers, led by Sierk van Terwisga from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, have analyzed the mass distribution of over 870 planet-forming disks in the Orion A cloud. By exploiting the statistical properties ...

Astronomers finally measure polarized light from exoplanet

An international team led by Dutch astronomers has, after years of searching and defying the boundaries of a telescope, for the first time directly captured polarized light from an exoplanet. They can deduct from the light ...

An Earth-sized rogue planet discovered in the Milky Way

Our galaxy may be teeming with rogue planets, gravitationally unbound to any star. An international team of scientists, led by Polish astronomers, has announced the discovery of the smallest Earth-sized free-floating planet ...

VLBA finds planet orbiting small, cool star

Using the supersharp radio "vision" of the National Science Foundation's continent-wide Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), astronomers have discovered a Saturn-sized planet closely orbiting a small, cool star 35 light-years ...

Scientists discover the nearest-known 'baby giant planet'

Scientists from Rochester Institute of Technology have discovered a newborn massive planet closer to Earth than any other of similarly young age found to date. The baby giant planet, called 2MASS 1155-7919 b, is located in ...

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