Life's Ancient Island in the Ice

During the last ice age, massive glaciers covered much of our planet. However, a region of Alaska, Siberia and the Canadian Yukon remained ice-free. This region, known as Beringia, supported unique organisms and was an important ...

As the World Churns

( -- "Terra firma." It's Latin for "solid Earth." Most of the time, at least from our perspective here on the ground, Earth seems to be just that: solid. Yet the Earth beneath our feet is actually in constant ...

Taking the temperature of the ancient earth

( -- A new technique has allowed scientists to pin down the timing of ancient glaciations, linking them more firmly to two bursts of extinction.

West Antarctic glacier loss appears unstoppable, study finds

A rapidly melting section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet appears to be in irreversible decline, with nothing to stop the entire glacial basin from disappearing into the sea, according to researchers at the University of ...

Greenland's pronounced glacier retreat not irreversible

In recent decades, the combined forces of climate warming and short-term variability have forced the massive glaciers that blanket Greenland into retreat, with some scientists worrying that deglaciation could become irreversible. ...

Fighting climate change in the shadow of Mount Everest

Formed in the shadow of Mount Everest, the turquoise depths of Nepal's Imja glacial lake would be a breathtaking miracle of nature to behold—were they not a portent of catastrophic floods.

The time to prepare for climate change is now

Though the massive glaciers of the greater Himalayan region are retreating slowly, development agencies can take steps now to help the region's communities prepare for the many ways glacier melt is expected to impact their ...

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