Survey: Most Haiti text donors have given since

(AP) -- The massive earthquake that devastated Haiti two years ago prompted an outpouring of charitable donations and propelled a new way of giving - through text messages - into the public eye.

Fukushima operator seeks yet more money

The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant on Thursday sought yet more money to pay ballooning bills for compensating victims of last year's disaster.

From a devastating earthquake, a blueprint for recovery

In 2009, a massive earthquake struck L'Aquila, Italy, a town two hours north of Rome where generations of families have lived for thousands of years. The quake devastated the community so much that its citizens have not been ...

Strong earthquake hits off eastern Indonesia

A strong earthquake hit off the coast of eastern Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, causing panic among residents, but there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. Authorities said there was no threat of ...

New tools increase Palestine's capacity to face earthquakes

Palestine has faced hundreds of earthquakes since the beginning of the year. Thanks to the SASPARM and SASPARM 2.0 projects, the next generation of citizens and researchers will be better equipped to face this growing threat.

Strong undersea earthquake hits eastern Indonesia

A strong undersea earthquake hit off the coast of eastern Indonesia on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of injuries or serious damage and officials said it was unlikely to trigger a tsunami.

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