CERN scientists to announce proof of Higgs boson found (Update)

Physicists say they have all but proven that the "God particle" exists. They have a footprint and a shadow, and the only thing left is to see for themselves the elusive subatomic particle believed to give all matter in the ...

A supernova cocoon breakthrough

( -- Observations with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have provided the first X-ray evidence of a supernova shock wave breaking through a cocoon of gas surrounding the star that exploded. This discovery may help ...

Data to be a defining tech trend in 2012

The start of this year was marked by a tech industry obsession with where to put growing mountains of information gathered online and by sensors increasingly woven into modern lifestyles.

Hunting for the Milky Way's heaviest stars

( -- NASA observatories have located strong infrared signals near the plane of the Milky Way, suggesting the possible presence of massive stars.

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