A surprisingly bright superbubble

(Phys.org)—This composite image shows a superbubble in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a small satellite galaxy of the Milky Way located about 160,000 light years from Earth.

Image: A supernova cocoon breakthrough

(Phys.org) -- Using observations from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, researchers have obtained the first X-ray evidence of a supernova shock wave breaking through a cocoon of gas surrounding the star that exploded. This ...

Sweeping the dust from a cosmic lobster

(Phys.org)—A new image from ESO's VISTA telescope captures a celestial landscape of glowing clouds of gas and tendrils of dust surrounding hot young stars. This infrared view reveals the stellar nursery known as NGC 6357 ...

Internet of the future via massive mobile antennae technology

Mobile base stations for 5G solutions will consist of hundreds of small antennas. Benefits include faster transmission, improved energy efficiency, better security and wider coverage. Researchers at Aalborg University are ...

Numerous blue supergiants observed in detail

Stars are the basic elements of construction of galaxies, and therefore of the observable universe. Among the different types of stars there are some whose mass is more than eight times the mass of the sun; these are termed ...

What you should know about NSA phone data program

A leaked document disclosed the monumental scale of the U.S. government's surveillance of America's phone records, part of a massive data collection program aimed at combating terrorism.

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