New 'genome mining' technique streamlines discovery from nature

A newly developed method for microscopically extracting, or "mining," information from genomes could represent a significant boost in the search for new therapeutic drugs and improve science's understanding of basic functions ...

Unlocking the past with the West Runton Elephant

( -- Researchers from the University of York and Manchester have successfully extracted protein from the bones of a 600,000 year old mammoth, paving the way for the identification of ancient fossils.

Second license awarded to award-winning ion funnel technology

Ion funnel technology developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory that improves detection and measurement capabilities of mass spectrometry is again showing its commercial value. Agilent Technologies, Inc., has introduced ...

Performing chemistry in floating droplets

Could chemists be ready to ditch the venerable test tube, the very symbol of chemistry in the minds of many people? Maybe not quite yet, but Caltech's Jack Beauchamp is working on it.

Catching microplastics with spider webs

Flies, mosquitoes, dust and even microplastics—spider webs capture whatever travels through the air. Researchers at the university have now for the first time tested if they can get an overview of plastic particles in the ...

Pottery related to unknown culture found in Ecuador

Archaeologists from the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS (Russia); Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL, Ecuador); and Tohoku University (Japan) found shards ...

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