Students design Martian weather forecasting tool

Cold and windy with a chance of dust storms, that's what a weather forecaster might say about Mars. But if we want our colonization plans of the Red Planet to be successful, a better understanding of Martian weather patterns ...

Coronal mass ejections at Mars

Looking across the Mars landscape presents a bleak image: a barren, dry rocky view as far as the eye can see. But scientists think the vista might once have been quite different. It may have teemed with water and even been ...

Martian Weather

The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) is a NASA mission that arrived at Mars in September, 1997, and for nine years circled the planet every two hours in a polar orbit (that is, traveling from the north pole to the south pole and ...

Field Museum acquires important Martian meteorite

The Field Museum has acquired six pieces of an extremely important Martian meteorite that was hurled into space about 700,000 years ago when Mars collided with an asteroid.

Temperature extremes on Mars

"Mars ain't no kind of place to raise your kids; in fact it's cold as hell" sang Elton John in "Rocket Man", and although the song was released in 1972—four years before the first successful landing on Mars—his weather ...

Michigan scientists bring special expertise to new rover mission

( -- Two University of Michigan planetary scientists are vital members of the science team of the Mars Science Laboratory, which will study whether the Red Planet was ever capable of harboring microbial life. ...

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