Migration can be a good thing for the environment. Here's how

Amsterdammers are proud of their city. But it turns out that people who have moved there from other parts of the world are just as concerned about keeping the place green and pleasant. We surveyed Amsterdam residents and ...

Little-known beaked whale found in cold waters off Hokkaido

Cetaceans are the best-known fully aquatic animals, including whales, dolphins and porpoises. The group includes more than 90 existing species, divided into baleen whales (Mysticeti) and toothed whales (Odontoceti). Toothed ...

Polluting shipping to face climate reckoning

The hefty carbon footprint of global shipping networks that crisscross our oceans and keep the world's economy afloat will come under scrutiny next week, as countries wrestle over measures to slash planet-heating pollution.

Improving ocean data access for Indigenous coastal communities

Indigenous coastal communities have depended on ocean resources over millennia, but climate change is creating a more unpredictable ocean by influencing waves, sea level, temperature and other factors, profoundly impacting ...

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