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Citizen scientists help map ridge networks on Mars

Over the last two decades, scientists have discovered unusual ridge networks on Mars using images from spacecraft orbiting the Red Planet. How and why the ridges formed and what clues they may provide about the history of ...

NASA simulator helps to shed light on mysteries of solar system

Even in our cosmic backyard, the solar system, many questions remain open. On Venus there are formations similar to volcanoes, but it is not known if they are active. The surface of Mars suggests that there was once a vast ...

Volcanic activity may be the cause of marsquakes

Volcanic activity beneath the surface of Mars could be responsible for triggering repetitive Marsquakes, which are similar to earthquakes, in a specific region of the Red Planet, researchers from The Australian National University ...

Perseverance rover hightails it to Martian delta

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover is trying to cover more distance in a single month than any rover before it—and it's doing so using artificial intelligence. On the path ahead are sandpits, craters, and fields of sharp rocks ...

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