Related topics: mars

First TV Image of Mars

( -- A 'real-time data translator' machine converted a Mariner 4 digital image data into numbers printed on strips of paper.

Entry, descent and surface science for 2016 ExoMars mission

ESA and NASA have announced the scientific investigations selected for their 2016 ExoMars lander demonstrator. They will probe the atmosphere during the descent, and return the first ever data on electrical fields at the ...

Mars science laboratory mission status report

During processing of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla., an incident occurred on Friday, May 20, involving the spacecraft's back shell.

Image: Blue on Mars

This image shows part of the floor of Rabe Crater, a large impact crater in Mars' southern highlands.

Device reveals more about Mars' atmosphere

Instruments designed by a UT Dallas professor to measure atmospheric components on the surface of Mars have uncovered important clues about the planet’s atmosphere and climate history.

NASA mission asks why Mars has no atmosphere

( -- NASA this week gave the green light to a mission to Mars that will seek to understand why and how the red planet lost its atmosphere 3-4 billion years ago.

Tracing the Big Picture of Mars' Atmosphere

( -- One of the instruments on a 2016 mission to orbit Mars will provide daily profiles of the changing structure of the planet's atmosphere.

Instruments selected for Mars

ESA and NASA have selected the scientific instruments for their first joint Mars mission. Scheduled for 2016, it will study the chemical makeup of the martian atmosphere, including methane. Discovered in 2003, methane could ...

STAR TRAK for November: Mars is prominent again

( -- Pumpkin-colored Mars will return to prominence during November, rising shortly before midnight at the beginning of the month and more than two hours earlier by month's end. The orange planet will brighten ...

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