Related topics: mars

Should we go to Mars or back to the moon?

When humans finally blast off for another world, where will we be going? Will we return to the moon, and take over where the Apollo astronauts left off, or will we press onto Mars, and set foot on a whole new planet?

Shining a light on the aurora of Mars

ESA's Mars Express has shed new light on the Red Planet's rare ultraviolet aurora by combining for the first time remote observations with in situ measurements of electrons hitting the atmosphere.

MAVEN results find Mars behaving like a rock star

If planets had personalities, Mars would be a rock star according to recent preliminary results from NASA's MAVEN spacecraft. Mars sports a "Mohawk" of escaping atmospheric particles at its poles, "wears" a layer of metal ...

Scientists find methane in Mars meteorites

An international team of researchers has discovered traces of methane in Martian meteorites, a possible clue in the search for life on the Red Planet.

Mars solar conjunction puts missions on hold in June

In June 2015, Mars will swing almost directly behind the sun from Earth's perspective, and this celestial geometry will lead to diminished communications with spacecraft at Mars.

Will we ever colonize Mars?

Mars. It's a pretty unforgiving place. On this dry, dessicated world, the average surface temperature is -55 °C (-67 °F). And at the poles, temperatures can reach as low as -153 °C (243 °F). Much of that has to do with ...

Similarities between aurorae on Mars and Earth

An international team of researchers has for the first time predicted the occurrence of aurorae visible to the naked eye on a planet other than Earth.

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