Married people who cheat don't regret it, finds study

Married people who have affairs find them highly satisfying, express little remorse and believe the cheating didn't hurt their otherwise healthy marriages, finds a new report on the psychology of infidelity.

Marry or mingle: The risks and rewards of being single

For many people, Valentine's Day can be an isolating time. The dominant Valentine's Day narrative insists that to be in a romantic relationship is to be happy. And for many single people, the day can come with pressure to ...

Cohabitation: it's time to take legal reform seriously

We live our lives differently today. Marriage is no longer the go-to choice for couples. The marriage rate is now the lowest since records began in 1862 and many couples are instead cohabiting. The unmarried family has become ...

Negative marital communications leave literal, figurative wounds

A tendency for one or both spouses to avoid or withdraw from tough conversations could set up married couples for emotional distress, bad feelings about their relationship, chronic inflammation and lowered immune function, ...

Study shows the power of 'thank you' for couples

Gratitude has been a trendy sentiment in recent years—sparking an industry of journals, knickknacks and T-shirts touting thankfulness as a positive force in individuals' lives.

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