The new retirement: No retirement?

For growing numbers of Americans, the new retirement may really mean no retirement. That's the conclusion of an article in the current issue of the ISR Sampler, the annual magazine of the University of Michigan Institute ...

Bankruptcy judges influenced by apologies, research finds

( —Research by legal and psychological scholars has shown that apologies can result in better outcomes for wrongdoers in a number of legal settings, especially when the party perceived as the victim receives the ...

Modern families and the winter holidays

Norman Rockwell defined the winter holidays for an entire generation with his depictions of rosy-cheeked children and their doting parents set against a heartfelt winter wonderland.

Study: One in four divorces 'inefficient'

(—Many people divorce with hope of finding greater happiness than they did in a "bad" marriage. But a new national study by an Iowa State University economics professor found that in approximately one in four divorces, ...

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