Making sodium-ion batteries that are worth their salt

( -- Although lithium-ion technology dominates headlines in battery research and development, a new element is making its presence known as a potentially powerful alternative: sodium.

Mimicry among stocks can predict stock market crashes

( -- Since early October 2008, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average began its drop that reached a low point the following March, many questions have been raised - particularly about what caused the crash and ...

Wikipedia's early stock market warning signs

( —Wikipedia could have been used as early warning signs of stock market movements, according to a new study. Researchers led by Dr Suzy Moat, Senior Research Fellow at Warwick Business School, found that changes ...

Removal of restrictions can decrease music piracy

Contrary to the traditional views of the music industry, removal of digital rights management (DRM) restrictions can actually decrease piracy, according to new research from Rice University and Duke University.

US imposes new rules on high-speed traders

US regulators on Tuesday announced new rules aimed at shedding light on the secretive industry of computerized high-speed trading, which has been blamed for destabilizing financial markets.

Study indicates housing market cycles have become longer

A statistical analysis of data from 20 industrial countries covering the period 1970 to 2012 suggests housing market pricing cycles—normal, boom and bust phases—have become longer over the last four decades.

Asian competitors shadow German solar industry

Germany's solar power industry, until recently the world leader in the technology, is facing an unprecedented crisis, analysts say, outshone by cheaper competitors from Asia, most notably Chinese firms.

Spanish downturn a disaster for green energy

Spain's wind turbine manufacturers are laying off workers and farmers who installed solar panels are facing ruin as austerity policies afflict the long-coddled green energy sector.

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