Study shows corporate misconduct at home hurts sales overseas

Research in the Global Strategy Journal has bad news for companies struggling with corruption, discrimination, or sweatshops in their supply chain: corporate misconduct demonstrably hurts international sales. Consumers and ...

Blogging influencers could be music to a marketeer's ears

In the ever-changing digital landscape, bloggers have risen to prominence as influencers, playing an important role in helping consumers pick and choose the products and services on which they want to spend their time and ...

Neoliberals are most receptive to political tricks, study finds

Do we fall for political tricks—when politicians tell us things that seem completely meaningless? Social psychologists of the University of Amsterdam tested how people respond to vague and meaningless statements like "To ...

Study finds plus size models a rising presence on social media

With the changing societal body image in America, plus size models have gained in popularity and positively impacted a body inclusive model of beauty. As such, plastic surgeons will likely see an increased demand for procedures ...

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