Intel revamps chipsets in new mobile push

Intel Corp. on Monday unveiled a new line of computer chips as part of the tech giant's efforts to gain traction in the fast-growing mobile sector.

Bossless companies: The pros and cons of decentralization

Working for a bossless company, i.e. a company where instead of managers telling employees which projects they should work on, employees themselves initiate new or join the existing projects, can sound like a dream to most ...

Dell buys 'cloud' computing company Wyse

Dell on Monday said it is buying Wyse Technology to expand its business offerings in the Internet "cloud" in the face of softening demand for traditional computing hardware.

Study proposes new measure of world equity market segmentation

A recent study in the Review of Financial Studies proposes a new, valuation-based measure of equity market segmentation. Equity market segmentation occurs when stocks of similar risk in different countries are priced differently. ...

International study shows staycations are likely here to stay

An international study by tourism and hospitality experts in the U.S. and China has determined the "staycation phenomenon," which reached prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic, is still going strong and is most likely here ...

Desire for fame scale can help advertisers

(—A Murdoch University researcher has developed a scale to measure a person's desire for fame which he hopes can be used by the marketing industry to tailor campaigns to a celebrity-obsessed audience.

Farmbook: An app to re-empower farmers

A cell phone application enables Indian farmers to better negotiate the sale of their harvests. Farmbook is designed for use by this population segment, where illiteracy is very common.

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