EU defends action against Intel after report leaked

The EU Commission on Saturday defended its record-busting anti-trust action against Intel, following a report that it missed evidence which could have boosted the US computer chip giant's case.

Analyzing the boundaries of privacy in a connected world

About five years ago, Catherine Tucker was pregnant with identical twins when she encountered a serious medical issue. Her unborn children were diagnosed with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a dangerous condition in which ...

Globalive to launch mobile phone service in Canada

(AP) -- The Canadian government said Friday that it has approved a request from Egyptian-backed telecom Globalive Wireless Management Corp. to launch its mobile phone service in Canada.

Study examines how clean air act affects municipal bond market

Research has studied the effects of climate risk on financial markets, but few studies have addressed the effect of environmental policy on those markets. A new study examined whether federal policy aimed at mitigating local ...

EU says Microsoft seeks hearing in antitrust case

Microsoft is seeking a hearing from EU antitrust regulators in its defence against accusations of unfairly crushing rivals in the web browser market, the European Commission said Wednesday.

Microsoft-Yahoo deal to face tough antitrust probe

(AP) -- The Internet search partnership between Microsoft and Yahoo faces a tough antitrust review in the U.S. and overseas, with approval likely hinging on whether the marriage would foster more competition with market ...

Study scrutinizes hidden marketing relationships on social media

Federal regulators require social media personalities to alert their viewers to promotional payments for products and gadgets shown on their channels, but an analysis by Princeton University researchers shows that such disclosures ...

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