Would a Google purchase of Yelp draw regulatory interest?

Google Inc.'s reported plans to acquire local-listings service Yelp may face difficulties, with regulators attuned to the Mountain View, Calif.-based company's established dominance of the Internet-search and advertising ...

Globalive to launch mobile phone service in Canada

(AP) -- The Canadian government said Friday that it has approved a request from Egyptian-backed telecom Globalive Wireless Management Corp. to launch its mobile phone service in Canada.

Sun cutting up to 3,000 jobs as awaits Oracle deal

(AP) -- Sun Microsystems Inc. plans to eliminate up to 3,000 jobs, or 10 percent of its worldwide work force, as it awaits a takeover by Oracle Corp., a deal being held up by antitrust regulators in Europe.

Microsoft-Yahoo deal gets extended antitrust review

Antitrust regulators at the Justice Department have requested more information about the planned search and advertising deal between Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc., the companies said Friday.

EU defends action against Intel after report leaked

The EU Commission on Saturday defended its record-busting anti-trust action against Intel, following a report that it missed evidence which could have boosted the US computer chip giant's case.

Microsoft-Yahoo deal to face tough antitrust probe

(AP) -- The Internet search partnership between Microsoft and Yahoo faces a tough antitrust review in the U.S. and overseas, with approval likely hinging on whether the marriage would foster more competition with market ...

EU says Microsoft seeks hearing in antitrust case

Microsoft is seeking a hearing from EU antitrust regulators in its defence against accusations of unfairly crushing rivals in the web browser market, the European Commission said Wednesday.

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