Media sector seeks new powers to challenge Big Tech

Big Tech firms are clobbering traditional news organizations, media representatives told lawmakers Tuesday, asking for new authority to allow the struggling sector to team up against online platforms.

Less-educated men face declining labor prospects

When it comes to finding their place in the labor market, men without a college education in the United States face a complex array of forces including declining wages and fewer stable jobs.

Overall fluidity of US labor market has been declining

The decline in the fluidity, or dynamism, of the U.S. labor market has been occurring along a number of dimensions—including the rate of job-to-job transition, hires and separations, and geographic movement across labor ...

Android smartphones rise as iPhone slips, IDC finds

Smartphones powered by Google's Android software increased their global market share as iPhones lost ground in the absence of new models being unleashed by Apple, the International Data Corporation reported Wednesday.

Facebook deflates any thought of new tech bubble

The horrendous stock market debut for Facebook suggests investors are not ready to jump in and create another tech bubble despite big expectations for social media, analysts say.

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