Related topics: climate change

600-year-old marine sponge holds centuries-old climate records

Scientists used a 600-year-old marine sponge to reconstruct a record of ocean temperature in the North Atlantic revealing past volcanic activity as well as the current global warming trend from the release of carbon dioxide ...

Harbor porpoises on the decline in the German North Sea

The North Sea is a heavily trafficked area, with major shipping routes crossing its waters, and fisheries, offshore oil rigs, and wind farms populating its waves. All this activity inevitably has an effect on marine wildlife, ...

Pollutants rapidly changing the waters near Ieodo Island

There has been frequent occurrence of red tides in coastal waters around Korea. Red tide is a phenomenon in which phytoplankton proliferate as nutrient or sewage flow into seawater, making it appear red. This not only causes ...

Fishing alters fish behavior and features in exploited ecosystems

Not all individuals of the same species are identical: There is a marked variability within the same population, and sometimes, these morphological differences are translated into a different behavior. A study by the UB shows ...

Coral recovery during a prolonged heatwave offers new hope

University of Victoria biologists have discovered how some corals managed to survive a globally unprecedented heatwave, in a first-ever study that provides new hope for the long-term survival of coral reefs in the face of ...

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