Related topics: climate change

Researchers investigate squid found far from home

As the name implies, California market squid are often sold in stores and typically found between Baja California and Monterey Bay. So, the squid's periodic appearance in the Gulf of Alaska—about 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) ...

Seaweed removal helps coral babies thrive

Marine scientists have found removing macroalgae from reefs can help coral larvae settle and has great possibilities as a citizen-science project to help coral reefs survive.

Unique seagrass nursery aims to help Florida's starving manatees

The manatee population in Florida was largely impacted last year. More than 1,000 of them died in 2021, due mostly to starvation. They consume about 100 pounds of seagrass a day, and this staple food is now scarce in Florida's ...

Exploring fish flow from fisheries to supper

Recent breakthroughs in multiple fields of study now allow researchers to follow the entire life cycle of ocean fishes—from when and where they are spawned, to where they disperse and grow, to when and where they are captured, ...

Increase in marine heat waves threatens coastal habitats

Heat waves—like the one that blistered the Pacific Northwest last June—also occur underwater. A new study in Frontiers in Marine Science paints a worrisome picture of recent and projected trends in marine heat waves ...

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