Why big fish thrive in protected oceans

Big fish are harder to find in areas sprawling with human activity, unless you're looking in no-take marine reserves, according to a new study led by marine scientists at The University of Western Australia.

International team maps world's giant kelp forests

The world's giant kelp forests—vital marine wildernesses as important to Earth's ecology as rainforests and coral reefs—are being mapped by a team of international scientists.

What's happening to the most remote coral reefs on Earth?

In the middle of the Indian Ocean lies some of the last coral reef wilderness on Earth. The Chagos Archipelago, a collection of atolls, including Earth's largest—the Great Chagos Bank—is home to reefs that have been largely ...

Fishing alters fish behavior and features in exploited ecosystems

Not all individuals of the same species are identical: There is a marked variability within the same population, and sometimes, these morphological differences are translated into a different behavior. A study by the UB shows ...

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