Hugh, me and everybody: Join the war on plastic pollution

Last night saw the final installment of War on Plastic with Hugh and Anita on BBC One, featuring Fauna & Flora International (FFI) vice-president Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, which has once again got the nation talking about ...

Increase in plastics reaching remote South Atlantic Islands

The amount of plastic washing up onto the shores of remote South Atlantic islands is 10 times greater than it was a decade ago, according to new research published today (8 October) in the journal Current Biology.

Enzyme molecule in marine bacteria degrades plastic polymer

A bacterium that can degrade the common polymer polybutylene succinate (PBS), which naturally biodegrades only to a limited extent in marine environments, could lead to improved ways to recycle this polymer. The bacterium's ...

Microplastics flow into Gulf St. Vincent waters

Plastic pollution has been recorded in eight freshwater streams running into Gulf St. Vincent, confirming the regular flow of microplastics into local marine environments—and the need for better waste management systems.

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