Puffins make poor diet choices when the chips are down

A new study has shown that Britain's puffins may struggle to adapt to changes in their North Sea feeding grounds and researchers are calling for better use of marine protection areas (MPAs) to help protect the country's best ...

Demon shrimp threaten British species

A species of shrimp, dubbed the 'demon shrimp,' which was previously unknown in British waters, are attacking and eating native shrimp and disrupting the food chain in some of our rivers and lakes. The problem is contributing ...

Microbes on the menu

The functioning of marine ecosystems depends on the size and flavor of microbes at the base of the food chain. Changes to the Earth's atmosphere might rearrange that microscopic menu. Microbes that currently are the main ...

Plastics highly concentrated in Australian waters

Microplastics less than 5mm in diameter are contaminating Australia's sea surface at a concentration of more than 4000 pieces per square kilometre, according to research from UWA and CSIRO's Wealth from Oceans Flagship.

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