A Zen discovery: Unrusted iron in ocean

Iron dust, the gold of the oceans and rarest nutrient for most marine life, can be washed down by rivers or blown out to sea or - a surprising new study finds - float up from the sea floor. The discovery, published online ...

Two-thirds drop in large fish numbers in 100 years

Overfishing has significantly reduced the populations of larger species of marine fish. In fact, stocks of large fish have declined by two-thirds in one century. These findings come from an international research team who ...

In Gulf Of Mexico, microbes thrive above natural oil seeps

In the water above natural oil seeps in the Gulf of Mexico, where oil and gas bubbles rise almost a mile to break at the surface, scientists have discovered something unusual: phytoplankton, tiny microbes at the base of the ...

Harvesting of small fish species should be cut: study

(PhysOrg.com) -- New research on the fishing of small fish species near the bottom of their food chains suggests harvesting at levels previously thought to be sustainable could have devastating effects on some marine ecosystems. ...

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