A conservation market could incentivize global ocean protection

The countries of the world have agreed: Our planet needs more protection from human activity. And with the globe facing an assortment of environmental crises, they realized the plan needed to be ambitious. Thirty-by-thirty ...

Some species may better tolerate climate change than expected

A new model, developed by Ifremer and Lausanne University researchers and published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, reassesses the proportion of terrestrial and marine species threatened with extinction by climate ...

AI making waves in marine data collection

Numerous measurement stations around the world provide us with data about air quality, allowing us to enhance it. Although we are increasingly collecting data from marine areas, access to such data is considerably more challenging. ...

Discovering the world of dolphins and their three 'super senses'

Imagine that you're in a comfortable room with your cat. You're both sharing the same space, temperature and lighting. But while you're enjoying the décor, and perhaps a book or the taste of hot chocolate, the cat seems ...

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