China's struggling automakers jump on SUV boom (Update)

BYD is known for electric cars but this year's flagship model is the S7, a gasoline-powered SUV. It comes with an interior air purifier, radar to help with backing and digital TV. An onboard hard drive can hold 1,000 films.

Dutch high-tech group ASML posts sharp Q1 slump

The Dutch company ASML, which supplies computer chip-making systems and is a global high-tech bellwether, posted on Wednesday sharp drops in sales and net profit for the first quarter 2013, but said it expected business to ...

Taiwan's Foxconn to recruit 5,000 local technicians

Taiwan's tech giant Foxconn will hire 5,000 technicians locally this year, many of them to work on factory robots to build its gadgets, officials said Monday, in a sign the firm is refocusing operations to its home island.

Estonia plugs electric cars as power prices soar

It brought the world Skype, Europe its first capital with free public transport, and now Estonia is touting the globe's first fast-charging network for electric vehicles.

Alcatel-Lucent boss leaving as losses mount

Alcatel-Lucent CEO Ben Verwaayen is leaving the loss-making French-U.S. telecommunications gear maker after a failed four-year bid to turn the business around.

Apple unveils iPad with doubled memory

Apple Tuesday unveiled a new iPad with twice the storage capacity as the existing model in an effort to score business with companies that share large amounts of data.

Apple bruised as analysts predict slower growth

Apple took a fresh bruising on Thursday after a gloomy forecast accompanying its record quarterly profits prompted pessimism over the tech giant's slowing growth trajectory.

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