Ford expects lower profit in 2017

Ford Motor Co. said Wednesday that a plan to embrace "mobility" and spend billions on electric and autonomous vehicles will hurt its bottom line in the short term but lead to frothier profit margins in the future.

It's time to stop thinking in terms of food versus fuel

Whether you have taken a side or a backseat in the discussion, the "food versus fuel" debate affects us all. Some say growing more biofuel crops today will decrease greenhouse gas emissions, but will make it harder to produce ...

How can Google snap its stock out of its stupor?

Google has turned into a stock market laggard as the shift to mobile devices has lowered the Internet search leader's digital ad prices and the company's expensive investments in far-out technology has trimmed its profit ...

Dingoes bring economic benefit to cattle graziers

Stopping dingo control measures such as baiting and fencing could increase net profit for cattle grazing enterprises – that's the surprising result from new University of Adelaide research.

Explaining the games gasoline retailers play

( —When it's time to top up the tank, how much thought do you give to where you will buy gas? Maybe you drive around town, looking for the best deal. Chances are, you usually visit the same station in your neighbourhood, ...

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