Will organic fruit, vegetables get cheaper soon?

Many grocery stores now carry at least some types of organic fruit and vegetables, thanks to the growing demand for these products that are viewed as more environmentally friendly and safer to eat than other produce. From ...

Netbooks popularity expected to continue in 2010

Small and inexpensive "netbooks" were some of the most popular computers in the recession, wooing consumers with their portability and prices that were often below $400. Now with the economy improving, consumers will be asked ...

Perfect peas to push profits and cut carbon

Scientists, pea breeders and the food industry are collaborating to discover how taste and tenderness can be determined by biochemistry and genetics. They will work together to hone the make-up of a perfect pea.

Ford expects lower profit in 2017

Ford Motor Co. said Wednesday that a plan to embrace "mobility" and spend billions on electric and autonomous vehicles will hurt its bottom line in the short term but lead to frothier profit margins in the future.

Taiwan's Inventec to invest $95 million in solar cell

Inventec Corp., a leading Taiwanese contract notebook computer maker, said on Wednesday it will invest at least 3 billion Taiwan dollars (95 million US) to set up a solar cell unit.

Asymmetric continental margins and the slow birth of an ocean

When South America split from Africa 150 to 120 million years ago, the South Atlantic formed and separated Brazil from Angola. The continental margins formed through this separation are surprisingly different. Along offshore ...

Estonia plugs electric cars as power prices soar

It brought the world Skype, Europe its first capital with free public transport, and now Estonia is touting the globe's first fast-charging network for electric vehicles.

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