Sea level as a metronome of Earth's history

Sedimentary layers contain stratigraphic cycles and patterns that precisely reveal the succession of climatic and tectonic conditions that have occurred over millennia, thereby enhancing our ability to understand and predict ...

What makes farmers try new practices?

Change is never easy. But when it comes to adopting new agricultural practices, some farmers are easier to convince than others.

Nokia in Q3 loss, sales drop amid networks downturn

Mobile networks operator Nokia continued to be hit by a downturn in the industry, reporting a loss in the third quarter and a 12-percent drop in sales that saw the company's share price plunge more than 7 percent.

Ford expects lower profit in 2017

Ford Motor Co. said Wednesday that a plan to embrace "mobility" and spend billions on electric and autonomous vehicles will hurt its bottom line in the short term but lead to frothier profit margins in the future.

Volcanoes tied to shifts in Earth's climate over millions of years

A new study in the April 22 edition of Science reveals that volcanic activity associated with the plate-tectonic movement of continents may be responsible for climatic shifts from hot to cold over tens and hundreds of millions ...

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